Sliding scale pricing

Accessibility to health and wellness for all is one of our most important founding principles. We are happy to provide reduced rates to our community without financial documentation and no questions asked.

Please keep in mind that our prices are set to reflect the cost of operating our studios, paying our team members a fair and competitive wage and hosting events and workshops with yoga professionals and special guests. By honestly choosing the price point that is appropriate for you, you are helping to support a local, Black owned/female owned business and ensuring that we can continue to spread health and wellness to everyone. We look forward to seeing you on your mat! 

Standard rate

Our Standard Class rate is set to reflect the true market rate and allows Soul City to continue to grow and flourish to offer even more to our community!

Sustainer rate

Our Sustainer Rate is priced to offer a more manageable option for anyone who cannot afford our true cost offerings while still enabling us to cover the basic costs of operating our studio. 

community rate

Our Community Rate is priced to support those in greater need of financial assistance and those who would otherwise be excluded by cost.