• Sign up for class through our website or on the Soul City app.

  • Location: 192 Oxford St. Lynn, MA 01901 *Studio opens 15 minutes before class and doors will be locked once class begins.

  • Parking. One hour Parking can be found on Munroe Street and Two hour parking can be found on Oxford Street. Please obey all signs and do not park in the Eastern Bank Parking lot or Munroe Lofts parking lot. Violators will be ticketed and or towed.

  • Enter the studio on the Oxford St. side, located to the left of the carport diagonally across from the Blue Ox Restaurant.

    Note: If parking on Munroe St., use the ramp across from Land of A Thousand Hills Cafe to get to the Oxford St. side of the building.  


Class schedule

Lynn Events




192 Oxford St.

Lynn, MA 01901